“Pratico pilates da 14 anni e da tre lavoro assiduamente con Kristine che apprezzo particolarmente per l’attenzione e la scrupolosità con cui prepara ogni lezione.Le lezioni sono sempre stimolanti e personalizzate sulle mie specifiche esigenze e peculiarità posturali.Kristine con le sue metafore divertenti riesce sempre a farmi focalizzare i movimenti più “sottili” e profondi.” -Antonella
“Kristine Lemke has taught Pilates instructions at all levels, having worked at some of Rome’s best centers and studied internationally. This kind of extensive experience is always a credential I look for in a teacher. I can attest to her versatility since I moved from beginner to intermediate level.
I especially appreciate that Kristine brings to her students training and expertise in several disciplines, including Gyrotonic, which I took. Her knowledge of the body is extensive, and I find this very helpful because working certain muscles in “concert” and at the same time working on breathing are so integral to efforts. Her simple explanations help me exercise more effectively. She is wonderful at providing images for visualization. I felt this deepened my level of understanding of how best to move to achieve strength and flexibility. It helps with posture training as well. Kristine also brings to the table knowledge from sports exercise in general, as she was herself a college athlete in track and field. There always seemed to be new exercise insights that seeped into our sessions from various innovative workshops Kristine had attended.
She is great at keeping an appropriate pace for her students, practiced as she is at keeping both an appropriately relaxed atmosphere and at stimulating the class to achieve their exercise goals. She always seemed even-handed and respectful while still smiling and making me smile. I liked the sense of accomplishment that came after a class well done.
I also have done personal training with Kristine for several years. She listens carefully and is aware of any potential pitfalls for clients that could effect, say, an injury or exacerbate any current problem. Functional training was important to me, and Kristine was excellent at it.
I just really enjoy sessions with Kristine!” -Keala
“Devo a Kristine la scoperta del Pilates, ma non solo: mi ha insegnato una maggiore consapevolezza del mio corpo (facendomi scoprire muscoli che non pensavo di avere… eppure faccio sport da una vita!), ma soprattutto una migliore capacità di usarlo. Questo attraverso allenamenti sempre divertenti e stimolanti perché al di là della sua simpatia possiede una grandissima professionalità.” -Piero
“I started lessons with Kristine following a friend’s recommendation in 2016. I had sustained a severe spinal injury a few years before following a horse-riding accident and imagined that I would never be able to return to normal exercising. Little did I know what a transformation I would undergo with Kristine’s help, encouragement and extremely patient guidance. Initial one-to-one lessons were a real challenge for me as I had to start with very simplified exercises, but with Kristine’s guidance and enthusiasm and belief in me, I was steadily able to strengthen and regain flexibility and realize that I could strive to achieve more. Having now moved to England in 2019 I miss Kristine’s tutoring very much, but I am now equipped to not only continue pilates, but also attend yoga class, work-out at the gym and go hiking! Thank you so much Kristine!” -Linda